obchod metrovým textilem a prádlem, vybavování interiérů a stínící systémy

TEXTIL LUDMILA s.r.o., prodejna / shop

Na hutích 13/693
Praha 6 (Dejvice/Bubeneč)
160 00
Po-Pá: 9:00-18:00 hod
So, Ne: zavřeno
tel.: 720943766


Our tailoring services are constantly improving our services. Evidence is an increasing number of satisfied customers who use our services with maximum satisfaction. Our customer is our priority, so all our efforts and attention is focused on him. We hope you will be satisfied with the offer of services, of course we welcome any comments.
Custom sewing
Do you want an original interior? Or are your ideas about window decorations incompatible with a regular offer? Take custom sewing, where you can choose the cut and the material yourself, and the result will be exactly what you see! Can we simply solve this problem for you?

Custom sewing

Do you want an original interior? Or are your ideas about window decorations incompatible with a regular offer? Take custom sewing, where you can choose the cut and the material yourself, and the result will be exactly what you see! Can we simply solve this problem for you?